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Parks and natural reserves

Catillo Mountain Natural Reserve


Fa parte dell'itinerario storico di: La Via Tiburtina

Located near Tivoli, Catillo Mountain is a mountain range similar to karst plateau. The landscape offers sublime views over Tivoli, Aniene waterfalls, temples and Roman countryside, a landscape that has inspired painters and poets who went to these zones. The karst origin of this territory, together with tuff rocks, has created cliffs and overhangs of extraordinary beauty. This countryside, historically inhabited by shepherds, has then been colonized by Romans. Therefore it is easy to see villas ruins, sepulchres, aqueducts or cisterns. The natural environment is particularly rich and various, made of Quercus cerris (Turkey Oak), oaks, chestnuts and poplar woods. There is a Cork Oak wood, particularly rare at this altitude and far from coasts. On top of that, in spring bloom myriad of booms among the olive trees, creating a very suggestive show. Rare juniper species are in the brushwood, together with coloured snapdragons. Although it is close to urban settlements, the Reserve also hosts wild animals, such as boars, foxes, badgers, weasels and beech martens. Here you can listen to birds of prey calls, such as tawny owl or owls. Who loves walks inside the Reserve can find many beaten trackseasily walkable.

Via Tiburtina, 691 – 00159 Tivoli
Phone 06/67663301
Fax 06/43562126

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