Il portale della Camera di Commercio di Roma per l'agriturismo ed il territorio


Centro floreale agricolo 2000


Comune di: Morlupo

Via delle Grotte, 51
00067 Morlupo (RM)
Phone 06/9071822
Fax 06/9070676

The Company is a big centre where there are more than 800 items for agricultural use, gardening, hardware store and everything animals need. The centre designs and creates gardens, swimming pool and sport equipment.

Retail, technical consultancy, design and care of green spaces, creation of parks, gardens and terraces

Additional services
Home deliveries

Outdoor rnamental plants
Fruit-bearing, grapevine, olive tree
Hedge and border plants
Flowering potted plants
Horticultural small plants
Aromatic plants
Ornamental plants for balcony

Sales materials
Potting compost and substrate for growing
Small tools
Fertilizers and pesticides
Ornamental objects for gardens and terraces

How to reach us
Go through Flaminia Road up to km 31,100. At the junction turn right