Il portale della Camera di Commercio di Roma per l'agriturismo ed il territorio


Parks and natural reserves

Secche di Tor Paterno, protected sea area


Fa parte dell'itinerario storico di: La Via Severiana

The Reserve is a real island at the bottom of the sea, with a surprising development of animal and plant life, due to the proximity of the Tiber’s delta.
To 25 meters deep there is the Oceanic Posidonia bedrock, while more in depth live polyps such as the beautiful red Gorgonia. According to a study a few years ago, there is also the black Coral, the Gerardia Savaglia. There are many fish varieties as well: moray eel, angler, grey mullet, sargo fish, and sometimes on the surface it is possible to spot dolphins.

The Reserve is run by Roma Natura
Villa Mazzanti, via Gomenizza, 81 – 00195 Rome
Phone number 06/35405310
Fax 06/35491519

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