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The Hermitages and Monasteries of the Monte Soratte


Fa parte dell'itinerario storico di: La Via Flaminia


An isolated peak north of Rome, the Monte Soratte (Soratte Mountain) has for centuries been a refuge for those seeking to flee the Holy City in search of peace and silence, the true nourishment of a spiritual life. Thus, many hermitages and holy places arose on the mountain, creating an environment that combines history and nature as few others in the Latium region do.

This itinerary, which lasts for an hour and a half, starts from the town of Sant’Oreste where, on Saturday and Sunday mornings, an office offering information on the many different routes is open to the public.

From Sant’Oreste go up towards via San Benedetto del Soratte, where you will find a small path leading to the Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie. The path is scattered with places of worship: follow these and it is practically impossible to get lost. As soon as the path takes a right bend you will come across the Cappella di Sant’Anna (Chapel); leave the barrier behind you and head towards the quarry with the grotto of Santa Lucia and, further on, the chapel of San Sebastiano. On the left of the next chapel, the Chapel of the Annunziata degli Alberoni, the path to the hermitages starts (indicated by a sign post and then by red path signs)
The steep slope, which winds up among a wood of Holm oaks, takes a bend to the left and leads to the church of Santa Lucia. The path then goes downhill towards the hermitage of Sant’Antonio; from here, a few uphill bends lead to the Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie.
From the square near the monastery take the path that leads to the top of the hill (691 metres); the uphill path touches on the hermitage of San Silvestro, and reaches the Sasso di San Nonnoso (Rock), a spur of rock overlooking the via Flaminia. Further on take the left fork, which leads up to the medieval ruins of the Casaccia dei Ladri.
To go back simply return to the fork in the road: the path is easily seen as it is well marked and, after a few bends in the woods, joins the life-itinerary shown by the tables of the Reserve. From here the return journey to Sant’Oreste is simple.

Sant’Oreste Information Office, open on Saturday and Sunday mornings 10.00 to 12.00
Ufficio Parchi Naturali Provincia di Roma Phone 06/67663301
Associazione Avventura Soratte Phone 0761/579021,

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