Il portale della Camera di Commercio di Roma per l'agriturismo ed il territorio


Parks and natural reserves

Villa Clementi Park and St. Stephen Source Natural Monument


Fa parte dell'itinerario storico di: La Via Prenestina

This is a protected area, extended for six hectares, that includes Cave City Park and, inside of it, a spring of water with a low mineral content. That is the St. Stephen source, a curative spring that, according to tradition, was good for Michelangelo Buonarroti. Ancient property of Clementi family, the Park contains acacia forests, cypresses, fir and chestnut trees. There is a wide garden as well, on the more flat area.

Technical Department Municipality of Cave
Viale Giorgioli, 33 – 00033 Cave
Phone 06/95000827
Fax 06/9581363

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