Il portale della Camera di Commercio di Roma per l'agriturismo ed il territorio



Fishing close to the Castle of Santa Severa


Fa parte dell'itinerario storico di: La Via Aurelia

Close to the castle of Santa Severa, enthusiasts can spend time fishing in a very suggestive atmosphere. Clear waters are home to many ichthyic species, which can be fished in winter too, both in the evening and in the early morning. Surf casting, with lead fishing weights of 180 g, is recommended for striped bream; otherwise float fishing is advised for gilthead bream, especially in the area close to the rocks.

How to get there: take the Roma-Civitavecchia highway and exit at Santa Severa

Rules: a fishing license is necessary

Fish: striped bream, gilthead bream, sea bass and saddled bream

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