Il portale della Camera di Commercio di Roma per l'agriturismo ed il territorio



Segni and Monte Lupone


Fa parte dell'itinerario storico di: La Via Latina

The Monti Lepini area has not been protected as a reserve or a park, so human intervention has not paid much heed to the environment, but some hill slopes still preserve their beauty intact. Among these is Mount Lupone and its wooded side in the area of Segni, a very old historic centre.
Segni lies on the slopes of a hill in the Monti Ernici among thick chestnut groves. It used to be a powerful Volsci city, defended by two kilometres of gigantic double walls. Faithful to Rome and then to the Pope, it was a feud of the Counts of Segni, then of the Sforza and the Barberini families. It is spectacular to walk round the colossal blocks of the old walls with their singular Saracen Gate. The Romanesque cathedral is also interesting, restored in 1626 with the help of Valadier, and in which there are works by Lazzaro Baldi and Pietro da Cortone. Near the cathedral is the 13th century building that houses the Museo Archeologico Comunale. At the top of the town is the Acropolis, where there is a large circular cistern with the remains of the main 3-cella temple: the central one is occupied by the 13th century Church of San Pietro, inside which, clearly visible, are the walls of the former temple and remains of 13th and 14th century frescoes. It is also interesting to go through the mediaeval district and look at the Romanesque churches.

Now leave Segni and follow the signs for Roccamassima along the northern slopes of the Lepini hills. After 3.5 km go up a white road, asphalted in sections, which rises to the Campo di Segni with its view over Monte Lupone. This is a large grassy plateau that is the main pasture in the area. After a short descent the road reaches the edge of the plateau; follow the path marked in white and red, which goes into a gorge with a stony bed, covered by beeches. From a ridge, turn right and go ahead climbing among beech trees to another grassy stretch; from here the path goes up to the top of Monte Lupone. The view from the peak is a view of all the Lepini hills, taking in the plain of the Pontine Marshes, the Castelli Romani and the Prenestini and Simbruini hills.

Staring point: Segni
S. Ardito, A piedi nel Lazio, vol. 1, Roma 2005

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