Prodotti romaneschi
This cheese belongs to the Pecorino cheese family and it is named after the “canestro” (basket) used to mould the curd. Canestrato is a semi-hard or hard cheese produced generally from ewe’s milk, but in some cases also from cow’s or goat’s milk. The milk, raw or pasteurised, is coagulated at 35-36 oC (95-97 oF) with the addition of liquid rennet, rarely in paste. When the curd has reached the correct consistency, it is cut in pieces more or less small, according to the desired ageing time. The curd is then placed in moulds and pressed or dried to favour draining. After a few days, the cheese is salted generally in brine, but some producers prefer dry salting. The cheese is then allowed to mature under temperature and humidity conditions varying according to the desired ageing time. Normally, this stage takes place in controlled rooms, but a few producers prefer natural caves, and lasts from 6 months to 1 year.