Il portale della Camera di Commercio di Roma per l'agriturismo ed il territorio


Prodotti romaneschi

Stuffed pork intestines


To prepare this ancient “Marinese” recipe, wash the intestines well (turn inside out and rinse) and at length in hot water. Then season them with a measured amount of salt, finely ground black pepper, ground chilli pepper, crushed garlic, seseli and dry white wine. Following this delicate flavouring phase, soak the intestines in water and vinegar – turning them over again – for two or three hours to remove the fat. Then rinse them and put them back in the previously prepared spicy sauce to season for another hour or so.

Cut the intestines into approximately one-metre long pieces and hang to dry in the fresh winter air or near a lighted fireplace (this latter technique adds a light smoke flavour and hence the name of “Mazzi sfumati”). The “stuffed” version derives from the practice of filling the intestines, already flavoured and ready for drying, with approx. 20 cm long and 2-3 cm wide pieces of lean pork meat, flavoured and matured with the usual recipe for 4-5 days, obtained from the processing waste of shoulders and legs, as well as from the delicious “pannicolo del costato” (skin of the ribs). Once filled, tie the ends together with a string and also tie at 20-30 cm intervals to keep the stuffing in place, and then hang them up to dry for at least 20-25 days. Traditionally, they are enjoyed with a good glass of wine, while playing cards and socializing in the “grottini” or “bettole paesane” (local taverns) (hence the name “beverelli” coined in Velletri).

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